By Eric Kristiansen
October 8, 2021
About Elizabeth Cormier-May Liz has been in the biotechnology industry for nearly 20 years, with a focus on early start-ups and company creation. She started her career as a medicinal chemist for Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research, working in early discovery oncology. She quickly realized that her ability to create meaningful change in this space was limited, and she pivoted to creating novel markets within diagnostics, where she was able to have greater impact on patients’ quality of care and individualized journey. Liz has spent the majority of her career in oncology and women’s health. She has focused on creating new markets, launching novel products, and building industry-disrupting companies from the ground up. Currently, she is Chairman of the Board, Co-Founder, President and CEO of her digital health start-up, Persona Health, Inc. and CEO and Board Director of an innovative women’s health, diagnostic start-up, Mammogen, Inc. Liz takes a novel approach to both product development and commercialization, always with an eye towards patient empowerment. An entrepreneur at heart, she has found innovative ways to simultaneously add value to her co mpanies’ end-users, as well as her investors. Liz is fueled by the notion that there is a patient, someone’s loved one, at the end of every decision she makes.