Big data. Artificial intelligence. Massive cloud-compute.
These are foundational elements of our corporate DNA. Woven into every aspect of our business and the diagnostic development journey.
As the world’s first fully AI-powered early detection platform, we are redefining healthcare diagnostics, from concept to commercialization, repeatedly across health areas,
at scale.
Platform assays.
A platform assay is a single assay that can be used to address multiple needs across the care continuum for a specific disease. This platform assay concept is novel to IVBH, a byproduct of the deep molecular insights produced by our discovery engine. This platform strategy allows us to leverage the same scientific chassis of an assay, with only slight technical modifications, to address a wide range of unmet needs for a given disease, from targeted screening to confirmatory diagnosis to typing, subtyping, and staging. This approach solidifies our assays a one-stop solution throughout the care continuum, with clearly defined benefits for patients, providers, and payers along the way.
Our discovery work happens in the multi-dimensional space that exists within a hypercube. This isn’t about separating the signal from the noise. This is about detecting the signal in the noise.
R&D to Clinical.
We have established strong data transformation pipelines, pulling data from our extensively catalogued database and raw data from sequencers. These pipelines are designed to seamlessly align with our advanced machine learning (ML) modeling platform, optimized for swift access and analysis throughout the entire diagnostic development journey, from research and discovery to clinical validation.
Clinical to Commercial.
Our novel cloud-based AI software applications are designed to house all proprietary algorithms and clinical outcome data for each of our commercial assays. These applications not only provide us with increased turnaround time for test results generation and delivery, but also serve as a diverse data repository used to continuously improve the overall accuracy of our diagnostic solutions, providing a rich source of data for new research and development.
CLIA certification.
The Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment (CLIA) passed in 1988, established to provide quality standards, strengthen Federal oversight of clinical laboratories, and to ensure the reliability and accuracy of patient test results. This program allows clinical labs to develop and validate their own testing protocols which can only be run in the lab where the protocol was validated. All IVBH assays are developed and handled in the P4 Molecular CLIA laboratory in Pine Brook, NJ, one of the largest independent networks of molecular laboratories in the United States and a trusted partner to IVBH since 2021.
CLIA Complexity.
CLIA certification gives our patients and healthcare providers confidence in the quality of our targeted screening and confirmatory diagnostic tests.
IVBH | 4695 MacArthur Court, Suite 1100, Newport Beach, CA 92660
All Rights Reserved | IV BioHoldings (IVBH)